Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Breaking News!

Through a series of unfortunate events, the blog mascot, Dirty T, has been severely injured. Wounds are severe, chance of survival is looking slim. Pictures and details to follow, once family has been notified. We can say that Matt was also involved in the accident, suffering only minor injuries, thank goodness. The biggest break is in our hearts. Keep Dirty T in your prayers and/or well wishes as he clings to his little ceramic life.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hiding Dirty: Hoover Style (The winner is...)

To make it fair, we named AC as our official name picker. We shook the names up really good in my official Iraqi war hat from my friend Mark, and AC dove her hand right in and grabbed a name. (My wife wants me to add that yes, Anna is in her bathing suit, and yes, we know it's cold outside, but she wanted to wear it around the house...)

Thanks Anna. And the winner is...

Mary Herold, congratulations on the big win! Mary is the first official winner of the "Hiding Dirty" contest. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking, "That's your sister." Indeed she is, but everyone had an equal chance of wining because we used little innocent AC to pick a name.

Here is Mary showing Dirty some love because he just gave her a $25 gift card to Amazon! Way to go Mary on those great eyes of yours in finding Dirty. By the way, for those of you who could not find him and those that did I shall reveal his hiding spot below.

Best of luck to everyone on the next contest 

In order to have another contest, we need to make another trade! Everyone dig in your attics and find something to trade for the camping oven. Here are just a few of the things that I have been offered for the oven: $50, a Spyder Paintball Gun with 5 Co2 containers, a Bear Compound Bow, some .50 caliber rifle, and among many other things. 

Thanks again for everyones support!

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