Monday, May 30, 2011

The Slot Machine: Trade #5

Look Familiar?

Welcome to Tulsa, Oklahoma!

This is Angie 

A few weeks ago she contacted me through Craigslist and offered me this nifty slot machine. Not just any old slot machine; it's a token operated Pachislo (Pa Chee Slow) Skill Stop Mephisto Type-B to be exact. 

I'm not even sure what all that means, but it sounds cool! It measures 32 inches tall, 18 inches wide and 15 inches deep. I made the trade last Friday and have been reluctant to let go of it because the whole family has been having so much fun with it. I even taught my two year old daughter how to play. Whoops ;) On a side note, because of time, we were not able to hide Dirty T for the contest.

 I was offered some sweet stuff for the metal detector

$300 in sliver coins (which kind of puts a cap on the value)
a 50+ year old western saddle, a real nice mountain bike, 
and of course the slot machine! 

I chose the slot machine for a few reasons

I've always wanted one... even though I don't get to keep it 
And the story behind it: This offer just felt right.

So What's The Story?

Angie bought the slot machine on Craigslist a few years ago with the intentions of her daughter using it. 

There was a particular reason though...

Angie's daughter was born with a disease called Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy. 
In basic terms, this disease attacks the nerves that send messages out from the brain and to other parts of the body. You can also click here for more information on this disease. 

It progressively affects your vision, muscle control, and mental skills all by the age of 2. Angie got this slot machine to use as a tool for her daughter in order to better develop her fine motor skills. 

As of today, there isn't a cure for this disease

Lots of research is being done to target and stop the defective gene that is responsible for this horrible disease. It's not fair for an innocent child to have to live through something like this, much less a parent see their child suffer. 

Take a minute or two and check out the above links to find out more about this disease. I know that many of us don't have the means to make a huge difference financially to help with research, but at the very least we can say a prayer that someday they will find a cure. Also pray that each family would have the strength and courage to press on each and every day. 

I don't know why we are faced with life altering challenges or why we suffer, but I do know that there is a God bigger than it all, that has his hand out to pull you through it if you let him. I am evidence of that. This trade experience really made me look at myself in a different way. I thought my past was rough and challenging, but then I look at what Angie and her family have had to face.

Whatever you're facing in life, 
know that there is a God who loves you 
and is there for you every step of the way, 
waiting for you with open arms. All is takes is a willing heart and he'll do the rest. 

The Doctors all said that Angie's daughter wouldn't live longer than 5-10 years old. Her daughter Korri, is now 18. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Trade 4 Contest Winner

And the winner is...

Of all the people that entered the Trade 4 Hiding Dirty Contest: Another family member won. I'm not rigging this thing up. If you have beef, take it up with AC!

 This is my cousin Chris

Congratulations on winning the $25 AMC movie card!

Since trading for the propane oven and getting the metal detector, here are just a few of the bigger items I've been offered: A 50+ year old western saddle, a real nice 21 speed  mountain bike, a top of the line slot machine, and $300 in silver coins. I may or may not have traded for one of those items, so keep checking back because I may have made a recent trade!
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