Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lets be Frank

Let the trading begin!

I spent today rummaging through the the storage shed, garage, attic, and the closets trying to find something to kick off my project and all I ended up with was a hurt back from all the junk I was tripping over.

I am starting to think I am a hoarder! 

 I have collected a lot of junk over the years. Just as my wife! For example, why do I still have those little pieces of sheet rock that I someday might use, or the inch of 2x4 from my last disaster. I wanted something cool to be my first trade. I wanted to be like the red paperclip guy.

I decided to take one last look in the storage shed...

I knew I had something cool, but what? Then it hit me, no not an idea, but the freaking shovel I left sitting out. As I was tripping (more like "falling with style") I noticed something up on a shelf, it was all my old records that I was holding onto because someday I just might have another HiFi. So here it is for my first trade, I will be letting go of my all time favorite singer Mr. Frank Sinatra.

My project has changed, so keep reading more posts! Frank failed me. I really tried, I promise.

 (The case is for Only the Lonley, but the record is actually Point of No Return)

p.s. I know that trading Frank is the right thing to do, I just saw a sign No, seriously. My wife made me turn on the tv to get ready for her Wednesday night shows (Modern Family- if you don't watch it, you're an idiot....according to the wife). Anyway, I just turned on the tv and it was on PBS...wouldn't you know a documentary about Frank Sinatra is on! Sign? I think so.

Update: As of 4-27-12 I still have these records. I never was able to trade them, not sure why. Anyway, since I started the new project, which you will read about if you continue to read...I never really tried to do anymore with the records.

1 comment:

  1. That is quite a collection, Mattie. I'll share your link on my fb wall. Good luck!


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