Could this be the start of something big?
It all started a few days ago when I was about to leave work. I was gathering all my stuff and glanced down at my phone and noticed I had a missed call.
I didn't recognize the number and the voicemail had not popped up yet. I figured the call had something to do with the project, because no one ever calls me besides my family, a couple friends, and of course bill collectors.
A few minutes passed and finally I heard the beep! I had a voicemail! "Shoot, no service", I said out loud. I quickly ran outside to see if I could get a signal and listen to the message...finally I had service!
It was an unfamiliar voice, "Hey Matt, my name is Chris Howell and I am a reporter with channel 6 television news and I stumbled across your website and was kind of interested in your project and wanted to know if you would like to do a story on your project? Let me know if you're interested."
He left his number and then the message ended. Did I want to do a story? It was a no brainer for me.
"Heck to the yes", I said to myself.
I called him immediately and expressed my interest in doing the interview. We set up the time and day and it all fell into place from there. I called Amy and told her the good news and she was all for it.
As we were talking a thought came to mind, "Ohh nooo", I said, "if we do an interview that means we have to clean the house!" Amy followed up with, "Even worse, the house is not even finished being painted and we have stains all over the carpet from Anna's juice and whatever else she has thrown on the floor!" "Ohhh nooo!!", we both said at the same time.
Well, take it or leave it, our house is what it is. We at least had time to clean the house, everything else would just have to do for now.
The morning of the interview had finally come!
We tidied up the last few things around the house and then waited, and waited some more. "What time is it even?" I asked Amy. "6:30AM" she said. I guess that 's what happens when you have a kid who is an early bird. You wake up really early, do a bunch of stuff and then realize that it's six freaking thirty in the morning!
9:30AM rolled around and here he came just as he promised. It was Chris Howell from channel 6 news! My heart pounded and nervousness set in.
I had been on TV before, but this was different. This time it was just Amy and I and our project.
And our unfinished house, just as I promised
Everything went great and hopefully he got the shots he wanted. All in all it lasted about an hour. I thanked Chis for his time and he wished us the best of luck.
The story will for sure be on the internet. To get it as a featured story on the main stream news might be a little more challenging because my site deals with religion and faith.
News stations tend to be a little hesitant about airing that kind of stuff.
How about this, I challenge NewsOn6 to take a risk and air this as a feature story! Everything is in God's hands and He alone will do what He wants to with this project. However people hear about this project, whether it is on the internet or on main stream news does not matter. God will get the word out however He chooses!
Update: It really disappoints me to tell you this, but because of an insanely huge snow storm we had, our story got cut. Supposedly our footage somehow got deleted. Better luck next time.
"heck to the yes!" way to go God!
ReplyDeleteAwesome Matt!
ReplyDeleteI am excited to see what God wants to do with this.
Who knows. We should find out on Monday whether it will just be on the news site or also be on tv
ReplyDeleteIf it only ends up on the website, it might actually reach more people like me who would rather check out news on the Internet than watch it on TV:-)
ReplyDeleteI like your way of thinking. Most people just want the stories and leave the commercials out. It's a win win as far as I see it.