Monday, July 11, 2011

10 Things, Part 2

As promised (a little late), here is

 10 Things Most Anyone Can Do to Make Some Cash When You Are Flat Broke!

1) Most folks have lawns. You probably have a lawn mower. Find a lawn, mow it for 40 bucks or so...and there you have it. Half a tank of gas (if you drive a gas guzzler like the Trade Mobile!)

2) You know those annoying guys that go around the neighborhood, wanting to paint your street number on your curb? Become one of them. Buy some cheapo stencils at Home Depot, some spray paint, and hit the neighborhoods. Even if you only charge 5 bucks a house, and you do ten houses...that's $50 dollars. You could even make this a family affair if you want! People cant say no to cute little kid faces...especially when they are as cute as our daughter's!

3) Got pets? Pets poop. Turn that poop into gold. You could offer to pick up dog poo before proceeding with step #1, or just go house to house and find the laziest person in the world who wont even pick up dog poo. Have them pay you to do it. It's a crappy job, but somebody's gotta do it. (pun most definitely intended).

4) House sit for somebody. You could even incorporate steps 1-3 in this, and also include the family swim time from 10 Things, Part 1. Little Miss Jenkins cant lose her dentures if she is paying you to stay in her house, pick up her dog poo, mow her lawn, and paint her new address numbers! You deserve that cannonball into the deep end!

5) Have you ever seen the show Hoarders? I promise you there is a hoarder in almost every neighborhood. I know this from working at EMSA (an ambulance service). I have seen it all. I'm sure you can find somebody with some junk that just needs to get goin' out the do'! I've hauled junk for random people on Craigslist many times. This is easy because I have the Trade mobile. Get some trash bags and get to haulin'! Most trash men will take the stuff off the curb, so you can just put the trash out on trash day.

6) Garage sale!! Go through your house, get rid of that stuff you keep thinking you will use but you never do. Get rid of those pants you can't button anymore. Sale those Christmas plates your wife was dying to have but never used (ahem!). Sale it all if you want!

Garage sales are a great way to make a hundred bucks or so. Just make sure you spell "Garage" correctly on your sign. Amy saw a sign in our neighborhood that said "Garge sale". Oh boy. But hey, garge or garage will probably make enough to cover your electric bill!

7) Do you like dogs? Do you like walking? Try walking some dogs! I'm sure in this heat people would love to pawn that job off on somebody else. You can even bring your family along! May not seem glamorous, but what if you walked the same dog three times for say..ten bucks a pop? Thirty, big ones right there. That's probably your summer  natural gas bill right there.

8) Help somebody move. I know, most people don't really pay their friends for this, but it usually results in some free pizza and soda. So, a free meal is a few less dollars to spend! Also you can look on craigslist- people will pay for help hauling and moving stuff. Been there, done it, hauled the crap, dirtied the t shirt.

9) Rake leaves or shovel snow. We get it all here in Oklahoma. You could probably even use the people's trash bags or snow shovels...they would probably be glad to just have somebody do the work for them. Especially if they are older folks. I shoveled several driveways this winter for people on our street.

And finally.....if all else fails, turn to:

NUMBER 10!!) Get a cup. Find a street corner. Stand there and ask for money, and you will probably get some. I did it once to raise money for a missions trip. I made sure that was marked on the sign, but this will probably go over better than accosting people in parking lots trying to sell random little trinkets.

Hope you all enjoyed this. These little lists are fun, but honestly one thing that has gotten us through this financial drought has been prayer. We have prayed and prayed and have seen God show up in so many ways....even getting money from folks we don't even know! Or random Target gift cards showing up. It has been amazing to see God show up like that!

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