I am going to take a guess and say that God is trying to teach me patience. I have had this Branson trip up for trade since the end of July. I figured a deal like this would go fast, but maybe God has not brought the right person along yet to trade with?
I have been offered several things for the Branson trip: furniture room sets that no one wanted anymore, kitchen stuff, golf clubs and a small generator, a manuel breast pump, and the list goes on...
The last big offer was a 4 hour green screen photo booth session from Marty Magers. This offer seemed to be the most promising offer that felt right, but as I have recently found out, we can't always go on a feeling when we are seeking something in life.
I keep asking myself why it's taking me so long to trade this trip and all I can come up with is that I need to develop patience. The way to learn patience is to experience something that gives you the opportunity to have patience. Sounds easy huh? Not really.
I still have a hard time having patience. I always want it now and my way, but it doesn't always work that way. Everything is Gods timing not ours.
Anyway, what's the purpose of the big P word? Here's what I think: Patience builds character and stamina which in turn will prepare us for the next step in life. Sometimes God puts situations in our life for us to have patience because it might help clear our head as to the path we are to take.
I also think it's helping us to slow down and appreciate the little things in life.
And lastly, something that I totally agree with is that God will sometimes put a block in front of us in order to avoid something that could hurt us. For example: the one and only time you are running late to work, you seem to get stuck behind 2 cars side by side that are going so slow.
You get frustrated and honk your horn, and then off in the distance you see a car flip over, end over end, rolling several times smashing into other cars killing many. God just spared your life.
Sometimes we'll never know why we have to wait on things in life, and other times we get the answer right in front of us.
All that said, everything isn't always given to us when we think we deserve it. Sometimes we just have to wait because you never know what's on the other side. Maybe whatever trade I am waiting on is not ready yet?
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