Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Who is Morgan Mitchell?

I asked myself that very question when I found this $5 bill a few weeks ago after selling some of our stuff. If you have been following this project you will understand what I am talking about (otherwise read the posts from January 2012 on). We were selling what we had in order to provide for our needs and then just trusting that God would provide the rest, and that he did! After discovering Morgan's story, it made me trust Christ that much more and reaffirm that He is always faithful.

If you aren't able to make out what is written on the top and bottom of this $5 bill, it says, "PRAY FOR MORGAN MITCHELL  MORGANS FIGHT=MY FIGHT." I was sort of puzzled at first because this was the first time I had ever seen someone write a prayer request on a $5 bill before, much less any currency for that matter. The only other things I have seen written on paper money before have been chicken scratch and the project Hank Eskin created in 1998 called "Where's George" initially for just $1 bills.

This person had to be pretty important to have their first and last name written on U.S. currency, much less written in all caps. Seeing as it is technically illegal to deface currency, the person that wrote this had to feel that Morgan Mitchell was one important girl or guy, but we will look past that (seeing as this request appeared to be an urgent request). My first challenge: Was Morgan a guy or girl? I have seen it both ways; like Morgan Freeman for example. 

So, I did what any other person would do; look it up on Google. Of course I just Googled the name  "Morgan Mitchell" rather than just typing in the whole phrase (which would have proved a lot quicker).  

Anyway, I concluded that Morgan Mitchell was in fact a girl, but which girl? There were like a million of them around the world! Okay, that was a little bit inflated, it was more like maybe 50. Honestly, I don't remember how many there were, I just made those numbers up. Let's just say there were a handful of girls with that name around the world. 

I was not convinced! I was going to find out who this was even if they were clear across the United States! I did what any other guy would do that did not see the obvious right in front of them, I looked for the names that appeared to be religious in nature. That proved to be a little more helpful. I think I was able to narrow it down to like 4 people. They were spread out around various states, except for one girl, she was from a town about 25 miles outside of Tulsa Oklahoma. 

My efforts were starting to pay off. Being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted to know for sure, rather than just assume that this was the individual I was looking for. So I did what would probably be the most obvious thing my wife would have said to do first, "Just Google the whole phrase for Pete's sake!"  Wow, I missed that one by a mile...or 10. By the way, who is Pete? My wife probably would not have said that, I just added that for dramatic effect. Back on track Matt...

After what seemed like an hour, I finally found who I was looking for! Just to think I could have figured it all out in like the first minute of starting this treasure hunt had I not read into it so much and totally missed the big picture. 

That's kind of like when God gives us two opportunities (both being equally as good) and we don't know which one to pick. We start to panic because we don't know which one is the right one and we either start becoming anxious and don't pick either (missing both opportunities). Or we pick one and think we have made a mistake and are going to miss out on our big break. See it as if God were giving you a choice. Either one you pick is going to serve God. Don't you think that whichever one you pick, God is going to get you to where he wants you? Long story short: it did not matter which word or phrase I typed in. I would have ultimately at some point in time figured out who the real Morgan Mitchell was. Okay, enough rambling...

Without further adieu, I introduce to you the Morgan Mitchell that truly needs our prayers more than ever before! The above link is an interview that was done by Fox 23 of Tulsa, just a few weeks ago. 

Morgan is an 18 year old high school senior who is battling cancer now for the 4th time, and still serving God! You don't find people like this every day, much less this young! The crazy thing about all this is that some really good family friends of ours have known and are very close to this shinning light. 

You can follow Morgan's health status from a Facebook fan page that was created in her honor. Please keep her in your prayers. 


  1. Hello, this is my dollar bill. This is my dear friend Morgan. Years ago when we learned that her cancer was back for the 4th time, I scribbled this message frantically on every single bill that came through Sonic drive in as I was working there that night. Desperate for answers and for prayer.

    Morgan beat that cancer. However it came back for a 5th time and she died last night. Thank you for caring about our dear sweet friend.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Life has kept me busy, otherwise I would have posted your comment sooner. I wish I still had that 5, I think I may have given it to someone. Morgan must have really appreciated your friendship. I found out later that I have some close family friends there were good friends with her. Morgan was a fighter from what I heard about her and seemed to always have a smile and something good to say. I am sorry for your loss.


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