Note: I am sharing the above clip solely for the purpose of the immediate subject. I am in no way promoting or necessarily have the same views or beliefs of this former public speaker.
This video really makes you stop and think. What would you do if money wasn't an issue? What have you always desired to do, but never did because someone told you that it wasn't a real career and you will never make any money in that job? It's all about living below the norm. It's about the lifestyle you want to live, not what others are telling you to live; like the example of always feeling the need of keeping up with the Joneses because you feel the pressure of wanting to appear on the outside that you have it all together.
So, now that you have had some time to re-think what I originally asked, what is that one (or 2 or 3) thing in your life that you have always wanted to do, but haven't ever tried because there was a lack in money, boldness, or there was a presence of fear?
It is about doing whatever you have to do to get to where you want to go. And no, I'm not talking about just working more and giving up your family and friends to get there. I'm talking about the lifestyle you choose to live or not live. If you want to travel the world and sleep in a tent for a year, why not do it?
If you want to become a professional painter or rock star and you have the skills, why not do it? If you want to become a writer...WHY NOT DO IT? If your lifestyle requires little money, then you just have to make a little money and continue to do what you love. You can live very comfortable and be very happy on just a little money. Money can only do so much for you. You can make all the excuses you want, it's all what you make of it and how bad you want it. There is always a way, you just have to be willing to take the risk.
So many of us are giving up on our dreams because everyone else is telling us that we have to go to school, then get a good paying job, buy a house, have the fancy cars...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All we end up doing is eating, sleeping, waking up, going to work, and then repeat the whole process. We are just living to pay the bills.
If you are financially independent and money is working for you, then maybe this isn't for you. Or maybe it is? What if we just lived life with just the essentials? What if we just spent what we needed in order to meet our basic needs. Don't confuse your needs with your wants. Anyway, this is just something to think about. It's the basic principle of life, if we consume less, then we can give more. I don't want to get on a huge soapbox, so I am going to shut up.
Have you ever considered living in a tiny house for a short or long period of time? And don't tell me you already live in a "tiny" house. It's not about the footage and the stuff inside, it's about the people and getting the most out of the short life we have here on Earth.
If you don't believe me, check these guys out.
They are riding their bikes 10,000 miles, all the way to Rio!
If you're still not convinced, hop on over to this dudes site! His family literally sold everything they had and moved to Australia for a period in their life! He even made an amazing movie about following your dreams and getting away from the boring life that you hate, but can't get out of because of the need for so much money to support the lifestyle you have created.
"Sell your crap, pay off your debt, and do what you love!"
I could go on and on. Don't let money control you, instead, you control it. I have been on both sides. I know what it is like to have it all and I know what it is like to lose it all.
So what would I do?
I'm doing it. I created a project that is unique and I am going to complete it no matter the outcome. It is not about "trading myself out of debt," it's about having fun and enjoying life. It's about sharing my life with others.
As I have said all along, I could care less if this project works out or not, it's not about that. It is about seeing lives changed and telling the story as it happens.
The second thing I am doing is following my passion and desire to write a book. I am not a professional or even the best writer when it comes to grammar and punctuation. I might even be the only one that reads it for all I know. What sets me apart from everyone else is this: I am doing it. I am taking action. I am learning. I am following that one thing I have wanted to do for the past 10 years.
If you don't know my story, feel free to stop and ask me. If I have time, I would be more than happy to share it with you. If time is a factor, we can always set a date, time, and place. I feel my story is inspiring and passionate, full of impact, and it will make you walk away with the desire to push on and not give up. I'm not perfect, I never will be. None of us will.
The difference in my life story is this: I know who to turn to in times of need, times of sorrow and morning, times of joy and praise, times of giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. My life has been changed and I hope that maybe just one person out there that is reading these words can experience the great joy and freedom that I have found.
Have a blessed week! Keep checking back for more to come!
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