I can't avoid it any longer
I just had my last supper and I'm preparing myself to be put down tomorrow morning. I have strained my mind so much, I now have a headache because I have been trying to think of a last minute snack before midnight. Scanning the pantry, I don't see anything good off the bat, same with the fridge.
Rats, everything good is down low and out of reach. Sounds silly, but we had to put the goods down low, rather than high, like you would for kids. We did it so I would not eat everything over the last month or so from being at home. My back injury and rather large back brace has really limited what I can do.
I came up with a solution to that...I call it my Grabber. You know those things they advertise on TV that the elderly use to grab those hard to reach cans of soup? Yeah, I have one of those. it's the Green and Blue one you get at Home Depot. It was the best $25 I have ever spent, and yes I actually spent $25 on it. I actually bought 2, one for me and one for my baby momma.
These were impulse buys years ago when we actually had money to blow. I'll tell you what, I am so glad I kept it. My birthday is coming up..hint hint on the 31st and whenever I feel up to it, I think we will have a party and host the first "Grabber Games". Kind of like the show Minute to Win It. I call myself "The Master Grabber'" and I can not be beat at what I can pick up: Dimes, pins, lent, etc. I have gotten so good that I can throw stuff in the air and catch it. My latest new skill, when I was at my job was "Grabbing on The Go". I would drive the golf cart at full speed and grab whatever lay in my path.
Anyway, I believe my pain medicine has gotten the best of me because I just totally rambled on about my Grabber. Oh, and I have acquired a walker! Starting to get some mad skills with that as well. I won't go into that though.
On to what I originally was going to tell you: My time has come. Tomorrow morning I am having my crazy insane back surgery. I'll be in the hospital for a few days and then there will be at least a 12 week recovery period.
Depending on how I am feeling
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