Too many families are in this situation
Watch the video and you'll understand
Many people fall into this debt pit
Many don't know how to get out.
I can understand how easy it is to fall in this trap. Debt is a big issue in the United States and something really has to be done. Debt is depressing and holds you back from so much.
Our story over the last few years has gone like this...
We finally get our emergency fund built up and then have some extra cash to pay off debt and then BAM!!! Some crazy thing happens that wipes out our emergency fund and takes any extra money that we were planning on using to pay off debt. If that wasn't fun enough some other crazy BAM in your face thing happens right after that, digging another hole...deeper and deeper.
I can't tell you how many times that has happened to Amy and I. It makes you so frustrated. At least we had money saved that covered the initial BAM, thus saving you money in the long run.
Even though all this stuff happens, we need to remember the blessings that we have been given: like having had the money saved up.
I will be honest here, getting in debt sucks, plain and simple. I hate having to say no to friends about going out to eat. I hate not getting to go on family vacations, or buy new clothes or shoes. I could go on and on, it stinks having to say no. You know what though? This is what separates your family from the guy in the video.
A lot of people don't say no. They don't know how to, because they are afraid of what others will think if they know they really don't have any money. If you are ever going to get out of debt, you have to drop the Jones Syndrome. Just because your neighbor has whatever, does not mean you have to have it to!
Especially....If you CAN'T AFFORD IT.
Cut back the stuff you don't need
Stop eating out, shop on budget, go to Goodwill. How bad do you want to get out of debt? If you keep living like this guy in the video...I'm telling you with confidence, you won't have a choice as to where you shop or what you eat or don't eat.
It will come down to the fact that you HAVE to do such and such just to survive. I know that not everyones debt comes from being plain stupid. Stuff just happens (Trust me, that is every bit of our story, one thing after another, after another hits you hard) but you still have to face the fact that YOU ARE STILL IN DEBT! You need to figure out a plan to get out of debt, no matter how you got in debt. It's there and you can't avoid it, otherwise you will end up like this guy in this video.
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