Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Diving Into The Unknown

 I know there are programs out there to help you get  in control and get out of debt but... 

 I want to try something different. I want to trade items, starting with something small, and working my way up to something big enough that I could sell to pay off our debt at the end of this project. I guess you could call this some what of a bigger better game?

My goal: I want to see if it is possible to get rid of all our debt, which is around $95,000 or so in roughly 3 years through consecutively trading up items. This includes our credit card debt and stupid financing mistakes, school loans, and our house.

It seems crazy but anything is possible if you set your mind to it. As a family, we are getting our life back in order and regularly working on a plan to eliminate our debt for good. Life just happened (cars broke down, people got sick, death, unexpected, jobs lost, etc..). I can't count the number of times that we had a large savings built up of at least 3 months living expenses or more and then without warning we would get hit with something that wiped our whole savings out! Then, back to back to back, additional things would happen digging us deeper in a whole.

I know others have tried the so called "Craigslist trading up game," but this is different...

This applies to everyone of us. There are not many people these days that are blessed to be debt free. Some out there were born into very wealthy families, others to not so wealthy. Some out there had everything stripped away from them and at one point had the so called "perfect life".

 Life is dealt differently to each person. Some go along never having anything happen to them and then there are those others...Where it seems to never stop raining. This is my story...I was born into a very wealthy family, and through a series of events, everything we ever had was stripped away. I know there are others out there have tried these "trading up" projects, but mine is different. Mine is unique, and I feel many others out there can relate.

Thanks for checking out my project and I hope that you enjoy the journey with me. 

Who knows where this project will take us, or the type of people we will meet. I am excited to dive into the unknown and experience an unique project, that from my knowledge has never been done like this before. However you happened across this site, I would love to have you as one of my followers.

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