Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaaack....New TMOOD Video, and Sunday Lane:Reckless One

I'm feeling a little better today

In less than a week, I will be on my back and probably not in the mood to be trying to think of stuff to write about. I honestly should have Amy put a password that I don't know on here to prevent me from posting something that I would regret writing due to the fact that I will be heavily medicated and in an altered state of mind. Although, it could be quite entertaining as to what imaginary friends and stories I come up with while on my pain medicine. 

Let's get down to the real business 

My brother-in-law Dani finished editing our short film that features The Trade Mobile. We had a lot more footage, but somehow the camera outsmarted us and deleted a fair share of it.  I think Dani did a great job and I look forward to more like it.

If this video doesn't make you laugh...Well...then...I don't know. I can't come up with anything. Just watch it! I hope you enjoy...

As many of you know, I like to feature talented people I meet or have grown up with over the years and I like to tell everyone how cool and great they are. 

With that said, I introduce to you Sunday Lane.

She has a unique voice that will lift you up

I grew up with Sunday and all of her brothers and sisters over the years, and have been very blessed to have know them.

Recently, Sundays' song "Reckless One" was featured on the season premier of One Tree Hill. 

Sunday is right up there with Ben Rector

Which means... 
Add this to your collection of music 

Sunday has the kind of voice that you would want to listen to when you are wanting to be inspired

Her songs make you want to find that perfect tree in the country side and lean against as your mind just escapes any worries or concerns. Her music video,"Won't go back down" will literally make you want to run through a field dancing and shouting, letting every worry slip away! 

Find a quiet place, sit back and relax, and close your eyes as you take in the sounds of Sundays voice,the piano, the keys, and percussion. You will come out feeling refreshed, I promise!

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