Monday, December 6, 2010

Adios guitar!

Have you been wondering what I traded my guitar for? 

I ran across an ad on craigslist that was offering ad spots on different internet radio programs, and they were willing to take my guitar as payment. 

I met with Bill Martin, the founder of FreshStart Fellowship (and Broadcasting) and we hashed out the details. I give him my guitar, and in return I get 60 seconds ads for my blog/trading project.

It will run every 3-4 hours, 6 days a week for 4 months. Isn't that awesome? His plan is to sell the guitar and other items they get from craigslist, in order to fund their hopeful new ministry location in Tulsa.

As an update, I really regretted trading away my guitar. I will just leave it at that. 

1 comment:

  1. This IS awesome! Keep moving forward!! The new blog look is great!


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